
Tired Of Neck Pain? Follow These Lesser-Known Tips

tired of neck pain
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Thanks to our sedentary lifestyle, back and neck pain conditions are pretty standard. And while taking the help of heating pads can help, it would not always suffice. 

Neck pain is caused by many things, except for hunching over your desk for hours. It can cause a bad posture or might be a sign of an underlying condition. If it gets worse, it might cause slight numbness in your hands or back. 

You must get the necessary care before the situation worsens. While it is wise to treat severe pain with the help of a back and neck specialist, you can treat mild neck pain at home. 

So, if you’re looking to take a break from the stabbing pain that has affected your productivity, here it is. A guide to neck pain and what to do it manage it. 

Symptoms and Causes

Identifying neck pain can be pretty easy and is often self-diagnosed. Here are some symptoms of neck pain you might want to look out for-

  • Nerve-stabbing pain that gets worse when you try to move your head
  • Headache
  • Inability to freely move your head
  • Muscle spasm and tightness

It is recommended to consult a doctor if you identify any of the following conditions-

  • The neck pain is severe.
  • It lasts for more than two or three weeks. 
  • You can feel the pain or tingly sensation in your shoulders, arms or back.
  • You have constant headaches.

As stated above, neck pain might be caused by several factors. Here are some of the causes of chronic neck pain-

Worn Joints

Like other joints, neck joints can also wear out as you age. Moreover, conditions like osteoarthritis can make the cushion between your neck deteriorate, which can cause intense pain. 

Nerve Compression 

A herniated disk can cause swelling in the backside of your neck, which can make specific nerves be pushed down. This type of pain is often felt in the neck, shoulders, hands and back.

Muscle Strains 

Hunching over your laptop over long hours can make your neck muscles go stiff. 


Being in an accident can often cause strains in the tissues of the neck. It is wise to consult a doctor or a neck and back specialist in this case. 


Conditions like cancer, arthritis or meningitis can also cause neck pain. 

4 Tips To Follow

While consulting a medical professional is often the best, you can follow these four tips that can help you reduce neck pain to a great extent. 

Purchase a neck-supporting chair

Hunkering forward puts extra strain on your spine when you have a forward head posture. When you maintain good posture throughout the day, your head will remain naturally balanced on the cervical spine, and pain may be reduced as a result. It’s a good idea to get an office chair that has a headrest so that you can maintain a neutral position on your cervical spine.

Use a water pillow

The best pillow type is not the same for everyone with neck pain, but some find water pillows quite helpful. By adjusting the amount of water within a water pillow, you can adjust the pillow’s firmness, hence putting lesser strain on your neck.

Try seeing a physiotherapist

If the neck pain is persistent and turns chronic, it is preferred to consult a doctor as they might identify the real cause of the pain.

Try swimming

Scientifically speaking, water adds buoyancy. Meaning being in the pool would put less stress on your neck. Thus, reducing pain to a great extent. 

Summing Up

In addition to these tips, you can also try meditating, keeping a journal and doing yoga. However, if the pain remains persistent, you must book an appointment with a neck and back specialist. 

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