
How to Be More Eco-Friendly: 5 Effective Tips

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When it comes to eco-friendly tips, most of them seem to focus on recycling. To be fair, that’s a great tip—but what else can you do?

Well, there are plenty of little things you can do in your home that will help save the planet. As it turns out, most of these tips will also help you save money. Plus, leading an eco-friendly lifestyle helps pass those values to the next generation.

1. Conserve Water

Reducing water waste can do wonders for our planet. For example, consider taking shorter showers in the morning or installing a low-flow showerhead. The new showerhead is an upfront investment, but it will pay for itself in the long run.

Another thing you can do is to cut back on your bottled water purchases. If you live in an area with suboptimal tap water, consider buying a water filter.

2. Eat Less Meat

Did you know that over 30% of the Earth is used for supporting livestock? As a result, the livestock sector produces a huge share of greenhouse gases. By cutting back on your meat consumption, you’re doing your part in helping the planet.

When you do decide to have meat, try to avoid beef. Studies show that raising beef takes ten times more resources than pork or poultry.

3. Use Canvas Bags

These days, most stores offer a choice between plastic bags and canvas bags. The canvas version is slightly more expensive, but it’s far less wasteful than plastic. Canvas bags are also sturdier and can hold more goods, making them worth the investment.

If you’re not crazy about canvas, you can reuse your plastic bags. There are plenty of ways to do so, from recycling to using them for pet waste.

4. Cut Down on Energy

When it comes to how to be sustainable, reducing energy usage is a big one. For example, you can lower your thermostat in the winter and raise it in the summer. You can also unplug appliances you’re not using or dry your clothes on a drying rack.

For more significant energy savings, consider turning to solar energy. Blue Raven Solar can help you estimate the cost of installing solar in your home.

5. Use a Compost Bin

In recent years, compost bins became an essential part of many households—for good reason! First, they reduce waste by allowing you to reuse things you no longer need. Plus, they save you money and help your plants grow better.

For the most savings, don’t bother with buying expensive compost. Instead, create your own compost from things you’d throw out anyway.

Final Thoughts:

Remember: the first step in becoming more eco-friendly is deciding to make a change. Once you make that decision, you can start slow and ease into your new routine. The above tips will help you learn how to be more eco-friendly one step at a time.

Want to know more about how to help save the planet? Check out some of our other Lifestyle articles!

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